“Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make.
Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live"!
Deuteronomy 30:19 - The Holy Bible
Connecting people as they connect the dots!
‘Sound the Alarms’ was conceived as a universal ‘kindness ministry’, and in direct response to government over-reach into the individual’s life during the Covid Crisis. Our mantra is a ‘velvet glove’ of kindness to our fellow man, over the ‘steel fist’ of action against global tyranny.
God Himself has ordained each unique individual with inalienable rights.... and good government is self ‘government’ which ultimately must come from the God given conscience within each one of us.
Institutional government therefore has very limited power beyond punishing evil & rewarding good, and is always ‘governed’ by the people & never the reverse of that.
The 'Pro Choice' movements, arising in response to brutal state government vaccination mandates, provides a rich environment in which to launch our universal kindness mandate.
Standing for truth and liberty
Raising awareness about the deception of darkness from the ‘Truth of God’
Helping our fellow man through prayer and practical support
Regardless of if you have had the government mandated drug, or not, you will always find a kind and welcoming community here. The only thing you have to fear, is fear itself!
Life in this world is and will always be a struggle... good against evil. Realising this, we are active against the deception of the evil one in the spiritual domain... and in his wordly manipulation of men and women, who give themselves over to systematic evil.
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy;
I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. John 10:10
That being the reality, we choose to respond as Jesus would... with kindness but divine authority. Kindness towards the downtrodden BUT with absolute outrage against the ‘moneychangers’ who would seek to enslave God’s crowning creation - all of us!
With our focus clearly and strategically on the unique God given character revealed in each one of us, we stand together as a community of love and kindness!
Ultimately we know that God, the very essence of love, has offered us His guidance for a happy, fulfilling and productive lives... and He just wants us all to choose life!
It’s our choice, always our choice, but God ‘in His infinate love and wisdom’ has given us a ‘Helper’ that has already defeated the evil one and stands with us to struggle against evil in the world!
Now the Lord is that Spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty! 2 Corinthains 3:17
So why did Jesus rage against money changers...
but lovingly challenged the downtrodden away from that which would destroy them?

“We are not to simply bandage the wounds of victims beneath the wheels of injustice, we are to drive a spoke into the wheel itself.”

A Caring Christian Community
thats joining the dots... Together.
Sound the Alarms Ministries was conceived as a universal "kindness ministry' in direct response to government overreach into the lives of individuals during the COVID crisis. Our mantra is a 'velvet glove' of kindness to our fellow man over the 'steel fist' of action against globaly tyranny.
God Himself has ordained each individual with inalienable rights and good government is 'self government' which ultimately must come from the God given conscience within each one of us.
Institutional government therefore has very limited power beyond punishing evil and rewarding good. It was intended to be governed by the people and never the reverse. Our goals are to:-
Stand for liberty and truth
Raise awareness about the deception of darkness by using the truth of who God is and what His plan is for humanity
Help our fellow man through prayer and practical support.