Think engineered famine could never happen? Is the world on the verge of a global Holodomor on steroids? Perhaps it's time to learn the story pertaining to this Ukrainian word as history repeats itself.
As we are forced to watch the global economy being systematically destroyed the reality is bringing into much clearer view the fact that this is an engineered depopulation phenomenon, including the coming global famine that is already occurring in some parts of the world. The powers that be are pulling the pin on industrialised agriculture under the guise of saving the planet from 'climate change' – pushing over the dominoes that will eventually lead to mass starvation.
This has happened before, though on a much smaller scale. The Holodomor – a deliberate man-made famine that occurred in Ukraine between 1932 and 1934 – appears to be making a return amid all the financial and economic chaos we are presently witnessing. The term Hólodomor – or Holodomór (the stress marks on the first and fourth syllables highlight the two accepted pronunciations) – is a combination of the Ukrainian words holod (hunger) and mor (extermination). This famine resulted in the deaths of at least 3.9 million Ukrainians through forced labour, executions and starvation. The Soviets actively silenced news of the famine, forbidding government officials and journalists alike from writing about it or even discussing it. Stalin covered up the 1937 census results to disguise the massive death toll. At least 18 countries around the world, including the US and the Vatican, have recognised the horrendous event as a State-sanctioned genocide, but Russia continues to deny the fact.
On the surface the Holodomor was disguised as the need for bread for the cities, amplified by the USSR's rapid industrialisation. While the need for bread in the cities was real, the Holodomor was actually carried out by the Soviet government as part of the broader famine that affected the grain-growing regions of Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan from 1931 onwards. It was also part of a much more focused campaign of repression and persecution against Ukrainian identity, one specifically aimed at destroying any seeds of independence and cultural autonomy following the Soviet-Ukrainian War in which Ukraine had briefly established itself as an independent state from 1917 to 1921 – the year the civil war between the Red Army (the Bolsheviks) and the Whites came to an end.
In 1929 Soviet leader Joseph Stalin ordered the collectivisation of agriculture in Ukraine, forcing farmers to forfeit their lands to the State, work on collective farms, and with a set amount of the harvest going to the State. Some small subsistence farmers – the Kulaks (rich peasants) as they were called by the Soviets – resisted. Those caught were declared enemies of the State and either sent to forced-labour camps or simply eliminated. Plans were also made to deport as many as 50,000 Ukrainian families.
By the autumn of 1932 the Soviet quota for grain was so high that the Ukrainian farmers were 60% short of the target. In punishment for missing the quota, families were forced to give up the grain they had set aside to feed themselves. Some, suspected of hoarding grain, were imprisoned. Stalin also used the farmers’ failure to meet the quota as an excuse to further intensify his campaign against the Ukrainian identity, issuing a ban on the use of the Ukrainian language in official correspondence. The food shortages and famine caused by the Soviet collectivisation sparked peasant revolts. In response the Soviets took even stronger action against the Ukrainians, preventing food from reaching certain farms, villages and towns and barring peasants from trying to leave the Ukraine to find food. When a further-increased quota for grain was not met in the harsh winter of 1932-33 Soviets broke into peasant’s homes, taking all the edible goods they had set aside for themselves. With no more room in prisons and labour camps and with the Ukrainian peasant population decimated the Soviets were forced to ease the collectivisation programme, but by then the damage was done.
The globalisation that has occurred post World War 2 has made it possible to inflict another Holodomor, this time on a global scale. Global trade has become the glue that holds together life as we presently know it, but the Covid crisis, the war in Ukraine and financial chicanery has created favourable conditions for a worldwide genocide event. What we are seeing transpire with the targeting of carbon, nitrogen and other food-growing fertilisers and nutrients is part of that. Without agriculture people will die on a scale far surpassing the horrors that devastated Ukraine back in the 1930s, and once again Ukraine is ground-zero for the mass genocide that is unfolding, though in a much different context this time. Back then it was Joseph Stalin who ordered all Ukrainian agriculture to be collectivised, with those refusing to comply being declared enemies of the State. Fast forward to Dutch farmers of today – to give one example. If they refuse to cull their herds and to stop growing food in order to halt 'climate change' they're subjected to punishments by their government.
Ukraine has been known as the breadbasket of Europe for centuries. This title is entirely accurate given that it is home to around a quarter of the world’s super-fertile chernózem – or black soil. The yet-untapped potential of Ukraine’s agricultural sector is staggering. Prior to the Russia/Ukraine war 32 million hectares were cultivated annually, representing an area larger than Italy. It boasts around 42 million hectares of prime agricultural land and is the world’s largest producer of sunflower seed as well as a key exporter of wheat, rapeseed, barley, vegetable oil and maize, but Russia’s aggression since February 2022 has undermined its capacity to harvest and export crops. No major disruption to crop production is anticipated in Russia, but uncertainties exist over its capacity to export even though international sanctions have so far exempted both food and fertilisers. Russia is the world’s largest exporter of wheat and an important exporter of barley and sunflower seed, as well as being a leading exporter of energy and fertilisers. A reduction in export capacity from Ukraine and Russia – along with rising fertiliser and energy prices – are pushing up international food prices, thereby threatening global food security. Recent findings suggest that the full loss of Ukraine’s capacity to export, together with a 50% reduction in Russian wheat export, could lead to a 34% increase in international wheat prices in the 2022/23 marketing year.
In the Tribulation Period, famine will strike the Earth when the third seal is opened and the rider on the Black Horse comes forth, leaving many throughout the world writhing in the clutches of stabbing hunger. We praise God that we will be taken at the rapture prior to the judgement which will befall the Earth. Yet, we must also recognise the urgency of the hour, ensuring that we redeem the time and reach out to the lost with the soul-saving message of the gospel.